понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

article linker

Life sucks and then you die.
youapos;re born, youapos;re raised, you go to school. You work on an education until youapos;re 20ish. To learn what? a profession. You work at this to make money, and throw the money around to buy possessions and still things that you think will make you happy.

everyone idolizes that house. That biiiig house. And maybe you can have kids and put them in that lovely house you bought. Then you work your whole life even harder to support these kids who often wonapos;t respect you at all until they are older. And on top of that, you make them follow the same pattern that youapos;re in. School and work, make money, buy things.

and who knows if peopleapos;s offspring will eventually even be able to survive with all this global warming toxic planet shit that we throw around. And we donapos;t even do anything about trying to fix it, people just sit there and talk about fixing it and make money taking about it.

and then, when youapos;re finally done working and making money, you retire, and deteriorate in peace, when you really should have been enjoying your life all along, but no, itapos;s now that you rest and look back on all the things that you did. Now that youapos;re incapable of simple things like walking. Then a lot of us will just get thrown in a home where people get paid to take care of us until we die. And maybe itapos;d be like tuesdays with morrie, these young people learning things from the old wise dying people. But whatapos;re they going to do with it anyways? theyapos;ll use i to live their life that will eventually end just like ours.

itapos;s a huge cycle and one day, as much as weapos;d hate to believe it, itapos;s going to end because weapos;re just animals on a rock in the middle of an expanding universe. And some people try to use their education for a profession of trying to figure out why weapos;re here, which is something that weapos;ll probably never even figure out. And why bother, because everything you say, do, and think probably wonapos;t even matter someday because this is all going to be gone. Weapos;re all just going to be a part of the rock in the middle of nowhere that we somehow sprang up from and lived our lives.

some people make big impacts on the world. Their name goes down in history. The things that they said and did and thought are still remembered and studied today. And it plants a seed in every person, telling them that maybe they could have a chance to make a difference in the world. Iapos;d love to do that, and iapos;d love to do it by helping people, but i just donapos;t see the point in that, or in anything, if lifeapos;s always going to be a harsh struggle and itapos;s all just going to be gone anyways.

iapos;d say itapos;d be easier to just get it over wiht now, to just die and be something that doesnapos;t matter because thatapos;s probably what iapos;m going to eventually be someday anyways. But i still feel like thereapos;s something out there that i want to live for. Thereapos;s something that has to not be pointless and careless that i can work with.

the thing that sucks is, i canapos;t put my finger on it and i feel like itapos;s out of reach. Maybe life is just a journey to find that one thing you want in it. I hope someday i do, and i hope that someday everyone does, because if life is lived without at least one thing to love, then it shouldnapos;t have been lived at all.

bateman jason shirtless, article linker, article links reciprocal, article linus project, article lipids.

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