воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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When you look through your photos you have some associations or memories connected to them. You look just at the photo, but you see everything outside it, you remember what others were talking about, what mood did you have, what did you eat in the morning...

I like to look through somebodyapos;s else photos very much. Especially traveling photos. For a moment a photo becomes your eyes into another world, each picture is a bright splash, an impression, a flash, a moment... You see only that what you see with your eyes and itapos;s hard to imagine that you will feel the same with photoapos;s author.

thatapos;s why photos should be caught smartly, not like a random clicking all around. It requires searching of some kind of center, some kind of sense. Only then your photos will be interesting to look at. Only then you will start seeing something apos;behindapos; the picture...
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